Feb 17, 2022, Dinolab News
Feb 17, 2022, Dinolab News

Applying mathematical ideas to classroom and real-world situations as a teacher

Applying mathematical ideas to classroom and real-world situations as a teacher

he difference between formative and summative assessment
Mathematics is a set of sciences that study quantities, quantitative relations, and spatial forms. This is a complex discipline that requires special approach from a teacher when taught in school. In this article we will have a glance on the aspects that mathematics consist from and look at examples of different methods and techniques that a teacher can use in his teaching practice so that his students are able to connect abstract mathematical concepts with day to day situations and apply them in their ordinary lives.
Assessment or evaluation, in the field of education, refers to examining and determining the process of students’ learning. It involves applying empirical knowledge to systematically document and monitor the progress of students towards the achievement of set learning objectives. Assessment can be carried out by directly monitoring the students or by examining a specific set of data and drawing conclusions from it.

Table of contents

Table of contents

What is Math and why do we need it

What is Math and why do we need it

Mathematics is considered as the science of quantity, number, and space, which is acceptable by
individuals. It includes algebra, geometry, and numbers to evaluate the changes based on the
formulation of different patterns. The mathematical branch is identified as an essential
component that can help in providing mathematical proofs. Scientific discoveries are based on
mathematical innovations which are increasing rapidly over time. It is beneficial in different
fields such as finance, engineering, social sciences, medicine, and natural science. Numerous
concepts of mathematics are usually applicable in real-life situations, which showcases the
importance of understanding mathematics in real life.
Mathematics is considered as the science of quantity, number, and space, which is acceptable by
individuals. It includes algebra, geometry, and numbers to evaluate the changes based on the
formulation of different patterns. The mathematical branch is identified as an essential
component that can help in providing mathematical proofs. Scientific discoveries are based on
mathematical innovations which are increasing rapidly over time. It is beneficial in different
fields such as finance, engineering, social sciences, medicine, and natural science. Numerous
concepts of mathematics are usually applicable in real-life situations, which showcases the
importance of understanding mathematics in real life.

Role of the math teacher in students' education

Role of the math teacher in students' education

Some of the common branches of mathematics are identified as statistics, calculus, probability,
geometry, number system, and algebra. Each branch is distinct from the other based on the
concepts and purpose of the situation. These concepts are introduced by a math teacher in the
classroom to enhance the knowledge of mathematics. However, the techniques of teaching
these concepts may vary with the teaching methods and approaches used by a math teacher.
Some of the common branches of mathematics are identified as statistics, calculus, probability,
geometry, number system, and algebra. Each branch is distinct from the other based on the
concepts and purpose of the situation. These concepts are introduced by a math teacher in the
classroom to enhance the knowledge of mathematics. However, the techniques of teaching
these concepts may vary with the teaching methods and approaches used by a math teacher.
Branches of Mathematics
Figure 1: Branches of Mathematics
The continual education of mathematics through practical and cognitive experience enhances the
overall understanding of mathematical concepts for students. It is identified as highly productive
in the current circumstances. This situation can be followed by the statement provided by John
Dewey regarding the educational activities and their relevance for children, which states that "the
development of the artistic capacity of any kind, of special scientific ability, of effective
citizenship, as well as professional and business occupations". Mathematical ideas promote
integrative learning experiences and develop scientific abilities among children. Mathematics
teachers commence their academic performs to encourage an active understanding of
calculations and in what manner youngsters can effortlessly practice arithmetic in their life.
Diverse concrete tactics can be promoted by math teachers to indorse the knowledge of
mathematics and augment the application of mathematics in real life. It obliges teaching
mathematics at all stages of study to stimulate curiosity amongst youngsters and influence them
to acquire the use of calculations.
The continual education of mathematics through practical and cognitive experience enhances the
overall understanding of mathematical concepts for students. It is identified as highly productive
in the current circumstances. This situation can be followed by the statement provided by John
Dewey regarding the educational activities and their relevance for children, which states that "the
development of the artistic capacity of any kind, of special scientific ability, of effective
citizenship, as well as professional and business occupations". Mathematical ideas promote
integrative learning experiences and develop scientific abilities among children. Mathematics
teachers commence their academic performs to encourage an active understanding of
calculations and in what manner youngsters can effortlessly practice arithmetic in their life.
Diverse concrete tactics can be promoted by math teachers to indorse the knowledge of
mathematics and augment the application of mathematics in real life. It obliges teaching
mathematics at all stages of study to stimulate curiosity amongst youngsters and influence them
to acquire the use of calculations.

    Branches of Mathematics

    Branches of Mathematics

    Different branches of mathematics are expounded as below, which are utmost common amongst kids:

    · Algebra: It is beneficial for solving different algebraic expressions and estimate the anticipated quantities in the equations. These values are explained by the entities to determine the quantity or volume of the inconstant.

    · Number system: It is grounded on the established group of real numbers that can help in introducing subtraction, addition, modulus, and multiplication to estimate the anticipated outcomes.

    · Geometry: This study comprises numerous figures, shapes, and sizes, which is measured a practical approach related to different objects. It helps in assessing the perimeter, volume, and capacity of the substances.

    · Probability and statistics: It is highly utilized for forecasting diverse procedures which are probable to occur, including the information gathered by individuals.

    · Calculus: This is identified as an advanced branch of calculation that is beneficial for scientific studies. It is categorized into differential motion.
    Different branches of mathematics are expounded as below, which are utmost common amongst kids:

    · Algebra: It is beneficial for solving different algebraic expressions and estimate the anticipated quantities in the equations. These values are explained by the entities to determine the quantity or volume of the inconstant.

    · Number system: It is grounded on the established group of real numbers that can help in introducing subtraction, addition, modulus, and multiplication to estimate the anticipated outcomes.

    · Geometry: This study comprises numerous figures, shapes, and sizes, which is measured a practical approach related to different objects. It helps in assessing the perimeter, volume, and capacity of the substances.

    · Probability and statistics:
    It is highly utilized for forecasting diverse procedures which are probable to occur, including the information gathered by individuals.

    · Calculus: This is identified as an advanced branch of calculation that is beneficial for scientific studies. It is categorized into differential motion.
    Common shapes in geometry
    Figure 2: Common shapes in geometry
    A mathematics teacher follows different strategies in the teaching space to bring an effective association amongst the ecosphere and the schoolroom. It includes experience sharing, involving children to evaluate the amount of real objects, money-based calculations, and create the significance of numbers using calculations. Positive encouragement in the teaching space helps the educators to easily relate the mathematical theories and allow children to utilize these concepts external to the classroom. Practical models and resources bring a practical experience that develops the interest of learners in the schoolroom. Math educator's emphasis on the critical thinking of learners to promote better opportunities for learning using mathematical events.

    A mathematics teacher follows different strategies in the teaching space to bring an effective association amongst the ecosphere and the schoolroom. It includes experience sharing, involving children to evaluate the amount of real objects, money-based calculations, and create the significance of numbers using calculations. Positive encouragement in the teaching space helps the educators to easily relate the mathematical theories and allow children to utilize these concepts external to the classroom. Practical models and resources bring a practical experience that develops the interest of learners in the schoolroom. Math educator's emphasis on the critical thinking of learners to promote better opportunities for learning using mathematical events.

    Common mathematical concepts

    Common mathematical concepts

    Teachers use basic concepts for children to allow the application in real lifetime. The procedure of numbers or counting is identified as a unique elementary procedure in math that is advantageous for primary and pre-primary kids. It makes learning easy and helps the youngsters to sum the quantity of objects in real world. Reinforcement of knowledge is possible with the basic concepts of math, which is valuable for other subjects as well. These concepts can be enlightened as below:

    1. Counting: Students begin their journey of study using numbers which is based on written numerals, number names, and counting. It can help individuals to pronounce appropriate numbers and compare them with a different set of items. It also encourages students to count the items and place them in an appropriate order based on their numbers.

    2. Subtraction: This operation is usually encouraged at the beginning stage of study so that children can understand how to take away some items or use money. This calculation is useful in daily life as it promotes cognitive skills.

    Teachers use basic concepts for children to allow the application in real lifetime. The procedure of numbers or counting is identified as a unique elementary procedure in math that is advantageous for primary and pre-primary kids. It makes learning easy and helps the youngsters to sum the quantity of objects in real world. Reinforcement of knowledge is possible with the basic concepts of math, which is valuable for other subjects as well. These concepts can be enlightened as below:

    1. Counting: Students begin their journey of study using numbers which is based on written numerals, number names, and counting. It can help individuals to pronounce appropriate numbers and compare them with a different set of items. It also encourages students to count the items and place them in an appropriate order based on their numbers.

    2. Subtraction: This operation is usually encouraged at the beginning stage of study so that children can understand how to take away some items or use money. This calculation is useful in daily life as it promotes cognitive skills.

    Common mathematical notions
    Figure 3: Common mathematical notions
    3. Addition: It is beneficial for promoting cognitive skills and additive abilities at a young age. Learners can easily attain a knowledge of mathematics which can allow them to identify the number of items that remained with them, or children can use it in different forms of calculations.

    4. Multiplication: It allows children to calculate the amount and number of items in real life. Multiplication is a basic operation for children that helps them in sorting items in different objects.

    5. Division: It is a common operation that can help children to promotes the application of mathematics in real life. It can be completed in diverse customs, as identified by the math teacher. Usually, it is required for groupings and distributing things among children, which can provide a concrete illustration to children.

    6. Estimation of shapes and quantity: It is considered important for comparing the shapes, which can either be two-dimensional or three-dimensional shapes. Learners can easily identify the shapes, which are triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, hexagons, spheres, cylinders, cones, cubes, or spheres.
    3. Addition: It is beneficial for promoting cognitive skills and additive abilities at a young age. Learners can easily attain a knowledge of mathematics which can allow them to identify the number of items that remained with them, or children can use it in different forms of calculations.

    4. Multiplication: It allows children to calculate the amount and number of items in real life. Multiplication is a basic operation for children that helps them in sorting items in different objects.

    5. Division: It is a common operation that can help children to promotes the application of mathematics in real life. It can be completed in diverse customs, as identified by the math teacher. Usually, it is required for groupings and distributing things among children, which can provide a concrete illustration to children.

    6. Estimation of shapes and quantity: It is considered important for comparing the shapes, which can either be two-dimensional or three-dimensional shapes. Learners can easily identify the shapes, which are triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, hexagons, spheres, cylinders, cones, cubes, or spheres.

    Connecting mathematical concepts to real-life situations

    Connecting mathematical concepts to real-life situations

    Math teachers emphasize helping children realize the necessity of math in the real world. It is encouraged by teachers to use different activities with their importance for utilizing mathematical concepts outside the schools. These activities are usually promoted by children in daily life settings, which consist of counting the fruits, use fractions and understand the use of numbers in the real world.

    Use of practical resources
    Most effective approach of education mathematics is grounded on the applied approach. It consists of promoting real-life examples to encourage simple math operations such as counting the number of students, other items, and watch time. Some common practical resources used by teachers is as follows:

    • Goal setting: Teachers can ask children to create graphs and use numbers with the given page numbers. Quantifiable and specific goals in mathematics can promote better opportunities for learners to compact with real-life math problems.

    • Timetables: It can be promoted by teachers for an improved consideration of real-world mathematical problems. It is reliant on playdates, defining family time, organize sport and homework time to allow them to divide their day time and maintain commitment for each task.

    • Pocket money planning: Financial literacy is necessary for all individuals, that might be established through a pocket money plan. Math teachers can easily allow learners to maintain their plan of pocket money to distribute money in different items and purchase vas per their needs. It motivates learners to use money carefully and understand the basic concept of math.

    Homework activities
    It is considered the most effective opportunity for learners to learn using the concrete approach. It showcases a persistence of events that happened in the schoolroom. A math teacher can use the following activities as homework to promote the approach of math in real life:

    • Cook a recipe with the practical measurement using real objects: Math teachers allow the learners to occupy in the home surroundings and take the occasion to comprehend measurement. It consists of numerical and shape-based understanding for learners, which can enhance cognitive skills.

    • Counting and measuring different items in the house: It is reliant upon practical activity in the house, which promotes the consideration of the concrete environment.

    • Manage a budget for weekly shopping of groceries: This activity promotes a comprehensive consideration of how individuals can utilize their money and focus on the theory of addition and subtraction with abstract knowledge of mathematics.
    Math teachers emphasize helping children realize the necessity of math in the real world. It is encouraged by teachers to use different activities with their importance for utilizing mathematical concepts outside the schools. These activities are usually promoted by children in daily life settings, which consist of counting the fruits, use fractions and understand the use of numbers in the real world.

    Use of practical resources
    Most effective approach of education mathematics is grounded on the applied approach. It consists of promoting real-life examples to encourage simple math operations such as counting the number of students, other items, and watch time. Some common practical resources used by teachers is as follows:

    • Goal setting: Teachers can ask children to create graphs and use numbers with the given page numbers. Quantifiable and specific goals in mathematics can promote better opportunities for learners to compact with real-life math problems.

    • Timetables: It can be promoted by teachers for an improved consideration of real-world mathematical problems. It is reliant on playdates, defining family time, organize sport and homework time to allow them to divide their day time and maintain commitment for each task.

    • Pocket money planning: Financial literacy is necessary for all individuals, that might be established through a pocket money plan. Math teachers can easily allow learners to maintain their plan of pocket money to distribute money in different items and purchase vas per their needs. It motivates learners to use money carefully and understand the basic concept of math.

    Homework activities
    It is considered the most effective opportunity for learners to learn using the concrete approach. It showcases a persistence of events that happened in the schoolroom. A math teacher can use the following activities as homework to promote the approach of math in real life:

    • Cook a recipe with the practical measurement using real objects: Math teachers allow the learners to occupy in the home surroundings and take the occasion to comprehend measurement. It consists of numerical and shape-based understanding for learners, which can enhance cognitive skills.

    • Counting and measuring different items in the house: It is reliant upon practical activity in the house, which promotes the consideration of the concrete environment.

    • Manage a budget for weekly shopping of groceries: This activity promotes a comprehensive consideration of how individuals can utilize their money and focus on the theory of addition and subtraction with abstract knowledge of mathematics.
    · Link the concepts of math to the interest of children, such as game scores, trends, averages, or counting influencers on social media: It connects the abstract awareness of mathematics with student's interests. For example, game scores can be assessed by learners within and exterior to the classroom, which can allow them how to assess total scores.

    · Providing real-life examples: With the teaching patterns, teachers can demonstrate how learners can apply resources and patterns in real life. Understanding shapes can be explained through physical resources, which is necessary for cognitive skills. Some common activities used by math teachers for the application of mathematics in real life are as follows:

    · Use patterns to demonstrate resources: Patterns and shapes promote effective demonstration of resources that are advantageous in real life. It works as an identity for learners to remind the shapes to interlink with the outside world, such as ice cream, stars, sun, and other shapes.
    · Link the concepts of math to the interest of children, such as game scores, trends, averages, or counting influencers on social media: It connects the abstract awareness of mathematics with student's interests. For example, game scores can be assessed by learners within and exterior to the classroom, which can allow them how to assess total scores.

    · Providing real-life examples: With the teaching patterns, teachers can demonstrate how learners can apply resources and patterns in real life. Understanding shapes can be explained through physical resources, which is necessary for cognitive skills. Some common activities used by math teachers for the application of mathematics in real life are as follows:

    · Use patterns to demonstrate resources: Patterns and shapes promote effective demonstration of resources that are advantageous in real life. It works as an identity for learners to remind the shapes to interlink with the outside world, such as ice cream, stars, sun, and other shapes.



    In the nutshell, it can be considered that math is an imperative element of a learner's life. Math teachers can help children to connect their understanding of mathematics to the real world. It can be accomplished through numerous events such as identification of shapes, figures, calculations, and calculating the quantities of different items. It involves them with their family and promotes cognitive development.
    In the nutshell, it can be considered that math is an imperative element of a learner's life. Math teachers can help children to connect their understanding of mathematics to the real world. It can be accomplished through numerous events such as identification of shapes, figures, calculations, and calculating the quantities of different items. It involves them with their family and promotes cognitive development.
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